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  • Daewoo Express 021-111-007-008 2650 Sector 3-B Corridor Area Scheme # 33 Main Super Highway

Bus Service From Karachi To Dera Ghazi Khan

848Km is the distance that you’ll have to cover in order to reach Dera Ghazi Khan from Karachi. Muzaffar coach service, Karachi coach service and Daewoo Express are the prominent companies that can take you to DG Khan in almost 9h 30min. All these companies have different fares according to comfort level they provide you in the bus.

Dera Ghazi Khan abbreviated as D. G. Khan, is a city in Dera Ghazi Khan District, in Punjab. It is a mid-country city located at the junction of all four provinces of Pakistan. The eastern portion of the district is at a level sufficiently low to benefit by the floods of the Indus. A barren tract intervenes between these zones and is beyond the reach of the hill streams on the one hand and of the Indus on the other. Although liable to great extremes of temperature and to a very scanty rainfall, the district is not unhealthy. 

The overall climate of the city is dry with little rainfall. The winter is relatively cold and the climate is hot during the remaining part of the year, but it is very hot in summer. The temperature during summer is usually about 115 °F (46 °C), while during winter season the temperature is as low as 40 °F (4 °C). 

There are iron, gypsum, marble, limestone, cement, precious stones, and uranium, coal and petroleum and gas reserves in the district. The Koh-e-Sulaiman constitutes a major part of this area, and is full of natural deposits.

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Karachi To Dera Ghazi Khan By Bus

354 Km
3 Hrs 30 Mins

The above estimates are for M2 Motorway route.

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  • Daewoo Express
  • Niazi Express
  • Sky Ways
  • Bilal Travels
  • Faisal Movers
  • Abdullah Travels

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