
  • RatingBus Operator Contact# Fare Address Map
  • Daewoo Express 042-111-007--008 1250 Near Kalma Chowk, Ferozpur Road Lahore
  • Niazi Express 042-111-22-99-99 800 Niazi Adda, Band Road Lahore
  • Sky Ways 042-37470241-43 850 Skyways Bus Terminal, Band Road Lahore
  • Bilal Travels +92-42-111287444 850 Bakar Mandi Band Road, Near Abdullah Travels
  • Faisal Movers 042-111-224-488 800 Yateem khana Chowk, Lahore

Bus Service From Lahore To Bahawalpur

Bahawalpur is 403 Km away from Lahore. Various companies offer bus services from Lahore to Multan. Daewoo Express, Niazi Express, Faisal Movers, Bilal Daewoo, Skyways are some of the noticeable companies that claim to reach Multan in approximately 5.5 hours and also provides some luxurious facilities too. There are so many other cheap options too but they cost a lot of time.

Bahawalpur is located in Punjab, is the twelfth largest city in Pakistan. The city was once the capital of the former princely state and later the province of Bahawalpur. The city was home to various Nawabs and counted as part of the Rajputana states. The city is known for its famous palaces such as the Noor Mahal, Sadiq Ghar Palace, and Darbar Mahal.

The city was founded in 1748 by Nawab Mohammad Bahawal Khan Abbasi I. As the family claimed descent from the Abbasid Caliphs the city was also called Baghdad al-jadīd. The princely state of Bahawalpur was founded in 1802 by Nawab Mohammad Bahawal Khan II after the break-up of the Durrani Empire.

The main crops for which Bahawalpur is recognized are cotton, sugarcane, wheat, sunflower seeds, mustard seed and rice. Bahawalpur mangoes, citrus, dates and guavas are some of the fruits exported out of the country. Vegetables include onions, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes and carrots.
The main shopping Centers of Bahawalpur are Shahi Bazaar, Machli Bazaar, Farid Gate and the Mall. The commercial area in Satellite Town is a newly developed center that is gaining popularity. A few shopping malls, including Bobby Plaza, Takbeer Shopping Mall, Time, and Prince, cater for all kinds of needs. Shopping is a major attraction in the city; the city is bustling with traders and craftsmen selling all sorts of artwork for travelers and tourists.
The city also has several mausoleums of prominent leaders who fought and defended the region over several thousands of years. Some of the most prolific include the tombs of Channen Peer Tomb Yazman and Mausoleums of Haugha Sahib. There is also an old fort of Munde Shahid, 50 km from Bahawalpur and Marot Fort, which are considered to be antiquities. A place outside the Marot Fort is known as 'Baithak Maula Ali'. The tomb of Naugaza is located in the Munde Sharif Fort.

Company name




Daewoo Express

(042) 111-007-008



Niazi Express

(042) 111-22-99-99



Faisal Movers

(042) 111-22-44-88







Bilal Daewoo

(042) 111-287-444 




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Lahore To Bahawalpur By Bus

354 Km
3 Hrs 30 Mins

The above estimates are for M2 Motorway route.

Your Opinion Matters

Based on your experience, please rate the bus companies below

  • Daewoo Express
  • Niazi Express
  • Sky Ways
  • Bilal Travels
  • Faisal Movers
  • Abdullah Travels

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